【Presented PDF Paper】3D Measurement and Modeling for Gigantic Rocks at the Sea
【Video】Three King Rocks “Sannoiwa”
There are many large rocks at the sea in Japan
It was difficult to measure these gigantic rocks
- Traditional survey method
- Laser measurement method
Activation of a deserted town (Calling for people)
Touristization, Internet broadcasting, exhibition
Digital archive
~3D Measurement and SfM(Structure from Motion) Technology(1)~
Measurement devices
- MarvicPro (DJI Corp) with 4K camera (Fig. 4)
- Global Positioning Satellite System (GPSS) (Fig. 5)
- Anti-aircraft signs (Fig. 6)
High-end Workstation
- Pix4D Mapper, ContextCapture, Polygonal Meister
~3D Point Generation and 3D Modeling(1)~
Taking pictures from all directions
- 1015 Photographic images
Calculation of actural coordinates by placing the anti-aircraft signs on the land
- 5 aniti-aircraft signs
3D point generation from photograph images
- 2 days calculation by Pix4D Mapper of Pix4D Ltd.
~3D Measurement and SfM(Structure from Motion) Technology(2)~
~3D Point Generation and 3D Modeling(2)~
Large 3D triangulated model from point cloud data
- “Pix4D Mapper , ContextCapture
Virtual Reality model of “Sannoiwa” for realtime display
- “Acute 3D of Bentley Systems” was used. Texture mapping is performed.
3D print model of “Sannoiwa” for exhibition, demo
- “Polygonal Meister” was used to edit 3D model
~Virtual Realty Model of “Sannoiwa”~
~3D Printing Model of “Sannoiwa”~
In Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, it was confirmed that the cave was also modeled accurately.
In Fig. 11, a wire frame display is layered on a 3D model in order to show the size of a triangle.
It took 2.5 days to triangulate and create 3D model from point cloud data
It took one week to reduce unnecessary and duplicated faces, and create VR model
It took 3 days to create 3D print model from VR model
HP Z840 workstation with main memory 256 GB, CPU clock Xeon 2.10 GHz was used. The GPU is 12 GB NVIDIA Quadro M 6000
VR model and 3D printing model of gigantic rocks at the sea were constructed
3D measurement approach by only drone
- 1015 Photographic Images of “Sannoiwa”
- 3D point generation using SfM technology
- 3D modeling from large point cloud data
Internet broadcasting, exhibition, many demonstration, and so on
1) Geographical Survey Institue, “What is GNSS?”, http://terras.gsi.go.jp/geo_info/GNSS.html
2) S. Kou, K. Satoh, A. Doi, K. Sakakibara, T., “3D modeling of cultural property gardens and utilization for acceleration of disaster reconstruction”, AROB2018, 2018/1/19-21.
3)SFT Technology, http://openmvg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/structureFromMotion.png